Wednesday, December 05, 2007

false alarm

guess what...... doctors also make mistakes........ don't believe me, just watch the series of House...... or grey's anatomy.......... and we the patient, will nod all the way coz we don't know anything......

it was on tuesday that í've realised that my eyes were getting better and better by the minute..... and i was saying to myself, this couldn't be congitivities.....coz congitivities, it will take 1-2 weeks to heal...... so went back to the doctor, and the doctor was suprised to see my eyes were getting much better since the last time i met him..........

and to my knowledge, i have an allergy..... the allergy is from certain food that i eat that will cause it to be swollen...... me and the doctor burst out laughing saying that it was a congitivities..........

so the next day went back to the office, and told the guys at work the story........ when they've heard the news..... they burst out laughing too.....hahahahaha........

what is the morale of the story here........ doctors can really fool you with his words of wisdoms........hahahahaha

This guy believed in his doctor's advise...... saying that he'll look good if he were to change his looks...... guess he has been fooled.....hmmmmmmmm