Wednesday, September 29, 2010

our "new" meeting room

so me and some guys at work are at our client's place....... well, becoz our work requires us to be at the client's premises.....hence, we are there la kan.......ok now, back to the story....

initially, they provided us with a room called "aquarium"......this is becoz it is surrounded by glasses and it can only fit 4 of us in........ as time passes by, more and more people are coming into the client and as a result there are like 8-9 of us..... and we are not able to cramp in to the aquarium coz that can only cater for 4..........

therefore, we have requested for another room and the client said that they can provide us with another room........ and OMG....... we were shocked coz it is a meeting room.........but (there's always a but in everything)........... it was also cum storage room........ hahahahaha....... don't believe me, see the pix as per below........

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