Thursday, July 14, 2011

let's learn geography....... again

see the pix above??? tak pasal pasal kena marah with my friend back home.......

and i stopped and think...... why was it that people think that i'm sombong already? then i've realised that they are not aware that when ever they are texting me around 12 at noon, they thought that i'm living in the same time zone as they are......

please people....... where's ur geography lessons that u've learnt i think for like 15 years ago??? well i guess u guys sudah tua kot....and most probably nyanyuk too..... hahaha.... no offense aite..... ok, let me refresh u how does the world work...... a world is a shape of a sphere that rotates at 33 degrees in angle and also it rotates at a speed of 1333km/h..... wow i know so much of geography.....

furthermore, in this world, when some continents are not within the same time zone...... so, please study back the greenwich time zone and how it works....

toodles peeps.......

1 comment:

IkraamSuarez said...

ozy...bila nak bawak aku pi sana?