Saturday, March 15, 2008


well, it is 1045 pm and i'm sitting in front of the tele waiting for the man utd game........ tonite, sweetie is having a gathering with her gangz @ gengz.......... hmmmmmm.......... it ryhmes.......hehehehe.......... then it struct me what has happened today..........

i've noticed whenever everyone who meets me (besides my parents and sweetie) they will always have this geram feeling........well, for an example like today, when i was watching tv, out of sudden, my baby cuz came to me and out of sudden grab my cheeks and really squeezes it......... and i was like, y the baby is so geram with me.........

and in other instance, it was during raya, when i met my cousins during a wedding, ok, we haven't met for quite some time......... and out of sudden, they come and squeezes my cheek......... and it is from both of my guy and lady cuzzies.........and with squeezing it, they will say the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" with it......hahahahaha

like today, i've met another relative who i haven't seen for a very long time, and before she went back home, she said to me, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, geramnyer.........cium skit...... and i was like........ errrrrrrr, ok la watever.........and i felt like a baby being given the geram feeling from the the auntie gave me one geram hug that choked me............hahahahaha........sorry auntie i am mengumpat-ting bout u..... and normal la the elderly when they meet me, they will ask the jeng jeng jeng question.........biler mau kawen??? hehehehehehe...........

so what i can say is that, no matter what age, i dunno y people are so geram with me........well peeps, sorry to say but people luv to give me the geram feeling......coz maybe i'm hugable like a koala bear.....hahahahahaha

well, the game is about to start, so better watch it.......cheerioz..........

The ever huggable albert the koala

Soft like the Michelinman......hahahaha

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