Friday, March 06, 2009

the biggest loser

hey peeps,

since i'm working in the night hours, i do have the opportunity to watch tele and also shows here and there.........well, technically i would just skip from one channel to the other like we all do.........then a show captures my eyes (coz i have a pair of it) on the hallmark channel.....or better known to sweetie, faizal and jj as the hallamark channel........hehehehe..........

the show is called the biggest is a show just like the apprentice whereby a number of contestants are being divided into 2 groups namely red team and the blue team..........the objective of the show is that a group of over weight and also sorry to say but the truth hurts, the fat and obese people are competing in groups to out do the other team...............

it is very a week, the team will weight in and see which team looses the biggest weight wins..........and the other will go into the board room where they will eliminate a team member that least contribute to the weight is very inspiring indeed to me the show...............

for more info bout the show, click here...........

cheers all.........

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