Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a very educational show indeed

so last nite i was looking and also watching my pal, the tv (man's best friend @ home)......... the discovery channel was on the tele.......u know how interesting that this channel could be..........as i was about to change to another channel, the show below came on air.........

yes, it is the man vs wild series.....basically the show is teaching u on how to survive if u r lost or trapped somewhere out there in the world without no human activities or township.......it is just the nasty natural world that offers u out there........

last nite's show was about on how to survive if u r trapped or lost in the middle of the desert..........the set stage of the series last nite was being filmed at sahara desert.......the most harsh conditions that u can find in this world..........extreme hot during the day and also extreme cold during the nite.........the guys demonstrate of what to eat, and how to get water and also on what not to eat..........plus he also demonstrate on how to get out from the quicksand........

ok, so u guys think that that is worst.........just till wait u hear/read this.........the guy caught a scorpion and also he showed to us on what to be aware off when there is a scorpion........basically it is the stinger at the most tip end of the tail.....he later took out his knife and cut off the stinger and later chop of the head and put it in his mouth (the remains of the scorpion) and started to chew..........i was like.....errrrrrrrrr..........but then he said that is the way to survive in this kind of harsh weather........

later he showed us on how to climb a tree for getting dates on top of it and also he later caught a dessert fish which is like a lizzard that swims under the sands and also that is very very fast........so to demonstrate how fast the thing could swim, he let it go and the host was jumping here and there, diving here and there to catch it back.........when he caught it, he then said, this thing is full of proteins and also a gud source of mineral.........took out his knife and chop of the head of the thing, and with full of blood and all, he put it in his mouth and started to chew and later he swallowed it down..........he described it as raw, chewy, scally and also slimy.........i quickly ran to the bathroom and started to uwek uwek uwek........there goes my filet o' fish i had earlier.............trust me, the most horrible thing that i ever had to eat is sushi which is sashimi.............and i really had to push it down with lots of green tea.............huhuhuhu..............

ok, what i can say bout the show is that, it is a very education basis in its motive..........but in a gruel kind of way.............



nobody said...

this is bear grylls kan. I suka tengok dia punya Born Survivor show, siap tunjuk dia minum his own urine...

fahmirosli said...

uwek uwek uwek.........ok.........that's too detailed..........hahahahaha