Monday, November 17, 2008


wohoooooooooooooo......................... petrol price will go down as of tmrw.............. it would be RM2 per litre..........after like few months of being at 2.70 then it dropped staggedly till it reach sources says that it should be at 1.92 rite now.......but then if it drops too much, then it is not good for the economy, just let's see whether the g'ment will take away all the regulations that they've made whereby they allowed the motorcyclist to be on AKLEH and also the KL-Putrajaya highway............................

the reason that they allow they motorcyclist to be on the highways is that they want them not to suffer becoz of the petrol price now since it has gone down, does this mean that they will take away.............hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we'll see....................

if not, surely later i'll go &T%^*&((&UJHGTRFGH*&HYIGFR^F&*()_(*&^%&*().................hahahahaha

cheers peeps

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