Friday, January 23, 2009

a short trivia

ok, since i'm in the office and needed to take a time off and since sweetie has suggested me to do this........why not rite........ok here's a trivia that i was tagged by lily.........

1. do you think you are hot?
- yes i think i body has to have that hot body (human hot) temperature to survive.......if i'm cold that's the sign of errrrrrrrrr, u know what la rite.....huhuhu.......

2. upload a favorite picture of you:

3. why do you like that picture?
- it is the only pix where people can accept me without wearing anything........hehehehe

4. when was the last time you ate pizza?
- saturday.......... or was it sunday..... had a large super supreme.....from pizza hut...shared with mum and bro....was really stuffed i tell ya.......

5. the last song you listened to?
- dancing queen while watching or should i say currently watching the movie Mamma Mia right now at work.......hehehehe.....

6. what are you doing right now besides this?
- work.......what at the office currently........working.....hmmmmm........tricky ay.......

7. what name would you prefer besides this?
- joey.........coz people at my ex-office says i'm like joey.........huhuhu........... or Ian........ coz mum said if we were to be a mat salleh, that'll be my name..........hmmmmmmm

tag 5 people (do i have to? oh well here goes)

- 1. Lily
- 2. Johanna
- 3. Fatin
- 4. Zuraida Sarin
- 5. Irwan

8. who is number 1?
- the person who tagged me with this trivia questions.... my fwen's wifey and also my unimate.......just got a baby (like 4 months ago)

9. number 3 is having a relationship with?
- her husband i think? hahahaha.....yeap.......confirm with her hubby.....

10. say something about number 5.
- a person who farts offense play only.....

11. how about number 4?
- can i say the same as number 5 also? hahahaha

12. have u ever been in lurve with number 2?
- oh yes.........definitely.....and still am..... and growing from day to day.......or should i say hours to hours?.....or mins by mins? or secs by secs? oh u get the pix rite.......hehehehehe


E`n1x said...

hey, the last Q was modified!!! hohohohohohoho

fahmirosli said...

eh, r u sure ke? hahahaha.......... hmmmmmm....... guess typo maybe or is it? =P