Sunday, June 14, 2009

advise by the vets

ok, so we received a mail from the vet where we normally send barb for a check up or grooming.......... so they've sent us a card stating that they are open of operations on sunday from 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening.........

ok, so nothing so special bout that just that we want to send our cat, the vet is open on sunday............ till that is when we flipped the card an noted this:

Animal Emergency Tips For Pet Owners:

  • Wrap your pet in a blanket.
  • Apply pressure to a bleeding wound.
  • Contact your vet as soon as possible for him to prepare for the emergency.
  • Avoit manipulating your pet.
  • Do not remove any object that may have penetrated your pet.
  • Should your pet have breathing difficulties, avoid applying pressure on their chest/abdoment.

And i was like oh ok.......but then again i was thinking what if i were to have a pet tortoise......hmmmm..... does the point number 2,5 and 6 comes into the picture? i mean how am i suppose to give or apply pressure to the chest or the back when the skin it self or should i say the shell won't let me too............

and surely the tortoise is giving hope that i can press its chest like what the vet say....... hmmmmm.....any comments on this?


. said...

apakah point no 4 tuh? avoid manipulating your pet??

fahmirosli said...

tu la........maybe manipulate in terms of kalau kucing sakit tangan/kaki, kita ikat dengan ekor dier kan.....hmmmmm